martes, 8 de abril de 2008

You can do it!

With regard to “Aviso antipedagógico”and “Prólogo”, I side with Savater in that it is essential that moral reflexion play a big part in education and that we should also take into account the actual sense of freedom. We live in a society where citizens are different and think differently from each other but they should be respected as such.
On the other hand, Savater is very clever at dealing with his son. Knowing the limit of youngsters’ patience,he manages to tell his son what he should know through a book, without imposing himself on him. But what impressed me so much was the piece of advice Savater gave his son in just two words: “have confidence” meaning confidence in himself, his intelligence and his instinctive love. I would say they are two magic words because they are powerful; they give encouragement and hope to do what we should do and we do not dare.
All in all, I think neither parents nor teachers, who are in a way like parents, should never forget to tell their youngsters to have confidence in themselves again and again because in this way they will help them to succeed in whatever they want to achieve.

5 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Hello Li!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR FIRST POSTS!!! I totally agree with you when you say it is vital to teach our students to have confidence.
You had confidence in yourself and achieved posting in your beautiful blog !!! jajaja and you will achieve more and more I´m sure. So keep on trusting yourself!!! Teach by giving the example.


Gladys Baya dijo...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Lili! "A small step for a man..." ;-)

Now, who says everybody should be allowed to think differently? Do you think this has always been the case?

Also, as a teacher(-to-be), can you imagine yourself passing Savater's message onto your learners? Have you, as a learner, ever felt teacher encouraging you to believe in yourself?

Lots of love,

PS: you can't imagine how moving it's been for me to read your first post... Lady, you rock!!!!

Lili dijo...

Hi Gladys!

I think that people, as humans beings, are free to think whatever they want although this has not always been the case. But this does not mean that they should be allowed to do what they think because they may be wrong. So they should be allowed if their points of view were within the ethical and moral frameworks of society.

As a teacher-to-be, I can imagine myself passing Savater's message and many more onto my students, with all my heart in order to encourage and help them.

And as a learner, I have felt some teachers encouraging me to believe in myself. By the way, you are one of them. I definitely think that you deserve the merit of my having used this blog.


Gladys Baya dijo...

I love your passion for teaching, Lili! I'm sure you pass your enthusiasm onto your students too!

Your statement that we should be allowed to have any kind of thoughts, but not perform any kind of actions, reminded me of the movie (starring Tom Cruise)... Have you seen it? (BTW, I've just learnt this movie was based on a short story by Philip K. Dick, the author of the story we read some classes ago!)

Lili dijo...

Hi Gladys,

I've not seen the film but I've read its plot and it is similar to my thoughts in that everyone is free to think what they want.However, people have their choice in spite of the fact that they can suffer the consequences of their acts.
