lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

What do you side with: Good or Evil?

Cap. 2 Ordenes, costumbres y caprichos.
The good and the evil exist within us and sometimes it is very difficult for us to decide on what side to be. However, if we train up youngsters to do what is due, to do good, to have good habits which will become good customs in the long run, I think that they will be more likely to do their duty when they grow old, in any circumstance of life. And it is by doing their duty that they will be satisfied and happy.

4 comentarios:

Pame dijo...

I like the way you write. You manage to reflect yourself in each comment. Each comment has a bit of you.


Adri Ambrosio dijo...

Hi Lili!
I'm glad to see you have created your blog. Great job!!
I agree with you, if we are taught good habits when we are young, they'll probably stay with us in the long run. But sometimes when we do thinghs without thinking about it, or when we go with the flow and do things just because it is what everyone else does, we forget to bear in mind that it doesn't necessarily means that it is correct or the right thing to do.

Gladys Baya dijo...

I'm sure you'll find Kant truly interesting, Lili! You sounded so much as his follower when you talked about training children to do their duties so that they grow up to do what's right!...
Now, I agree with Adriana that if we do what's right just out of habit or tradition... how right is it then? I mean, are these human acts that can be considered to have moral value?

Have you ever felt disatisfied when following your duty? I have! ;-) (keep me the secret, will you?)



Lili dijo...

Hi Gladys!

What youngsters have learnt through their parents helps to behave as well as possible in the future. It does not mean that what they do out of habit or tradition...may not necessarily be wrong.
Yes, sometimes I dislike doing my duty but I do it anyway because it is my duty. However, when I finish doing it I feel happy.
