domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

"Feeling alive"

What expressions does Rita use to emphasise how important the course is to her?

"But its not takin' the place of life, it's providin' me with life itself."
"Comin' here, doin' this, it's given me more life than I've had in years,... Well, if he doesn't want me when I'm alive I'm certainly not just gonna lie down an' die for him."
"I've begun to find me-an' it's great you know, it is Frank. It might sound selfish, but all I want for the time bein' is what I'm findin' inside me."
To Rita the course is so important that she compares it to the breath she needs to live. Under no circumstances will she give up the course because it helps her to discover the person there is inside her.

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2008

Working hard!

Why does Frank tell Rita the story of the theology student?

Because he is training her to give correct answers to pass the university examination in literature and not the kind of answer given by the theology student who failed the exam, that is to say a short though clever one. Exam questions are expected to be well developed. So, she should give arguments as well as her reasons supporting them.
Besides, Frank wants her to develop her ideas about the book he selected for her to read so as to know how much she has understood it and evaluate her work accordingly.

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008

A real mess

What does she think about Frank's room and about the "proper" students?

Rita wants to have a room like Frank's one day although she sees it a perfect mess. To Rita it is the mirror of Frank's life, his own reality.
She perceives that it is quite neglected. That is why she compares it to a patina and love that loses its romanticism through the years.
As far as the proper students are concerned, Rita thinks that they are those students who had a prep, a matron and a tuck-shop, that is students who belong to upper social class. They also had the good luck to have parents and people around them who considered education a great value to take profit of. What can you expect from having a mother who tells her she is mad because she wants to become one of those students?

An overwhelming urge

Why does Rita want to study?

Rita is determined to study in order to change her life for the better as she is fed up with her ordinary life.
She is aware of the fact that she is at a great disadvantage as regards educated people who don't worry about trivial things but those things which deserve to be worried about, just because they know how to differentiate them.
Besides, she feels that educated people can enjoy life better than her. For example, she is not able to enjoy an opera, a ballet or a good book because she doesn't understand them though she would like to.
So, she wants to know everything about reality and about herself and she realizes that the only way to do it is through education.
She also realizes that appearance shoud be in accordance with the person inside her to look properly.