domingo, 25 de mayo de 2008

Somebody needs you

Cap 6 - Aparece Pepito Grillo

I agree with Savater when he says that "an egoist" is the person who trully knows what is convenient for him to live a good life and makes efforts to achieve it.
I think that we live a good life when we make an effort to live with a clear conscience, out of remorse from having done wrong, that is by doing good and giving the best we have inside. As humans beings, we need each other and we are gifted with many things to share with others. We can't live a good life unless we give ourselves to others.


¿Olvidaste el reír? ¿Aprendiste a llorar?
Será que no conoces la alegría de dar...
Podemos con tan poco disipar el sufrir,
y empezar nuevamente a aprender a reír...

¡Ah, si tú conocieras la alegría de dar!
Mira, es la forma más hermosa de amar
que reciben los otros.
Ser la fuente generosa para que todos puedan beber:
reconocerse agua y darse sin pensar,
pues las almas son como plantas
a las que hay que regar.
Benditos y felices los que logran decir:
"Hoy me he dado"

...Merecen la dicha de vivir.

¿Tanto se puede dar, tanto se puede hacer?
A ese niño que pasa, tú lo puedes querer,
a la mujer que sufre la alienta tu reír,
al hombre que trabaja lo anima tu cantar.
Y tú puedes cantar y reír y querer.
¿Ves qué fácil tarea?... Sí, la puedes hacer...
Olvida tu sufrir y olvida tu llorar:

¡Regálate a ti mismo la alegría de dar!

Isabel Reyes - Perú

domingo, 18 de mayo de 2008

Priceless presents

Cap 5 ¡Despierta, baby!

It is certain what Savater says that we are not pure things, that we need "things" which things have not. It reminds me of what Philip K. Dick states in his explanation of "Human is" : "Technology has the answer to all of life's difficulties - except the human ones". Both of them make great enphasis on the importance of human relashionships.
I think that we won't have a good life unless we treat and are treated like human beings. How important is to give and have a word of consolation, encouragement; an advice; a feeling of sympathy, tenderness; a smile; a greeting, ... They are just simple things , however, they can undoubtedly improve the life of human beings.