viernes, 11 de julio de 2008

Walking all together

Apéndice - Diez años después: Ante el nuevo milenio.

I agree with Savater when he says that there are different appreciations and values among humans but there should not be any indifference because the other's humanity compromises mine...
I think that, although we may be different from others, I mean to have, among others, cultural, social, religious, linguistic differences, we are all brothers in that we are all humans on the same planet and under the same sky.
Nowadays, for example, globalisation is said to be the new millenium's success, useful for humanity. But I think it can't be so when it just benefits only a few, the rich who become more powerful and thus take advantage over the poor. To me, globalisation should be understood from the point of view that we are all humans as well as brothers of the same Father: God, who wants us to love each other, to humanize each other.

"Alguien necesita de ti"

"En la calle vi a una niñita temblando de frío con un vestido ligero, con poca esperanza de encontrar comida caliente.
Me enojé y le dije a Dios:
-Por qué permites esto? ¿Por qué no haces algo para remediar esto?
Dios me miró a los ojos y no dijo nada, luego respondió:
-Ya hice algo para remediarlo... Te hice a ti".

Autor Anónimo

We should all be concerned about others and give them a hand whenever they need it.
We, as teachers-to-be, should take into account that all our students must enjoy the same opportunities as others in life and should make efforts to provide them without mattering about their human condition.