martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008

Ready for a new challenge

5. Do you think Rita has gained or suffered as a result of her education?

I think that Rita both has suffered and gained as a result of her education.
Having married a selfish and jealous man, she felt sophocated, living an ordinary life. But she had a gut feeling that life was not just like that; that there was something to know to understand it and she was determined to find it. She decided to be educated.
Education is a process and like any other process it's painful; you must adapt yourself to new changes and what is new scares you. It's like being in a dark tunnel where you can't see well, and so you look for an exit to see a light. When you first see the light, it hurts your eyes and you may freak out and go back, but if you get closer you become accustomed to it and then you can see properly; you can see reality better.
At the beginning of the play she was scared and disappointed and felt that she couldn't keep up with "the proper students", but then, after studying hard and experiencing a new way of living at London summer school, she was able to make questions in daily lectures among a lot of people.
All in all, through education Rita gained confidence in herself, experience, freedom, knowledge and critical thinking. In the end, she became a person ready to make better choices in life and also able to be open to others. So she felt happy with herself for having succeeded in her goal.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

"A new dress"

At the beginning of the story Rita said that to compensate herself in a way for her boring life, she would buy her a new dress in order to feel happy and not to worry about it, instead of making an effort by being educated to understand life and try to solve hers.
But then, she decided that she would not buy a new dress unless she became educated.
At this particular moment in the play, Frank thinks that Rita is already an educated woman who is able to make her own decisions and take charge of her own life.

Out of recognition

Rita wants to change her name because according to her, it represents the person she once was. Now, she has grown up and has been educated. She is not as innocent and ignorant as she was before starting the course. She knows what clothes to wear, what wine to buy, what plays to see, what books and papers to read. She is so independent that she feels able to do without Frank's trying to teach her more. So she prefers another name according to her present state.


At the beginning of the course, she thought that she was at a different level of understanding from the students on the lawn; she felt inferior to them.
Now, that she has become more confident about her knowledge of literature, she is able to discuss about it with the students. Furthermore, one of those students seems to be an idiot since he gave a wrong appreciation of a play, according to her. Now, that she can interprete literature better, she realizes when others do well or not.

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

"Experience kills innocence"

In his poems, William Blake describes Innocence and Experience as two contrary states of the Human soul, both important and inseparable.
I think that to interprete those poems and Blake's warning us that it's not possible or desirable to choose between both states of Innocence and Experience, it was necessary for Rita to have been in such states at a particular time and that was what has happened to her.
Whether we like it or not, we grow old and as a consequence we leave innocence behind because we come to know through new experiences of life, for the better or the worse.
Rita is no longer innocent; she had new experiences, some bad like her splitting up from her husband and some others good like her achievements at summer school which let her grow up.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Chickening out?

Rita didn't go to Frank's dinner party because she felt that she did not know how to behave well in a party where she would meet people with a higher level of knowledge than hers.
Neither did she know what to say nor remembered anything about what she had learnt. Moreover, she did not know what dress to wear and what sort of wine to buy.
Anyway, after a long journey because of taking the wrong bus, she could get there. However, she did not dare to come in. She seemed to be very disappointed.

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

The importance of learning a language

Rita used these words to express her enthusiasm for Macbeth:
"I thought it was gonna be dead borin'...
But listen, it wasn't borin' , it was bleedin' great honest, ogh, it done me in, it was fantastic. I'm gonna do an essay on it".
Of course, her language is not acceptable to do an essay. In the past, in England class was determined by the way people spoke but even more important was their accent. For example, people with strong accent like Rita's were assumed to be working class while people with RP accent was assumed to be upper or upper-middle class. However, then it was acceptable to speak standard British English in public speaking, radio, TV, books, newspapers, at school and university. That is why she is supposed to learn standard English. She must learn British language and how to use it in certain circumstances, that is in context.

domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

"Feeling alive"

What expressions does Rita use to emphasise how important the course is to her?

"But its not takin' the place of life, it's providin' me with life itself."
"Comin' here, doin' this, it's given me more life than I've had in years,... Well, if he doesn't want me when I'm alive I'm certainly not just gonna lie down an' die for him."
"I've begun to find me-an' it's great you know, it is Frank. It might sound selfish, but all I want for the time bein' is what I'm findin' inside me."
To Rita the course is so important that she compares it to the breath she needs to live. Under no circumstances will she give up the course because it helps her to discover the person there is inside her.

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2008

Working hard!

Why does Frank tell Rita the story of the theology student?

Because he is training her to give correct answers to pass the university examination in literature and not the kind of answer given by the theology student who failed the exam, that is to say a short though clever one. Exam questions are expected to be well developed. So, she should give arguments as well as her reasons supporting them.
Besides, Frank wants her to develop her ideas about the book he selected for her to read so as to know how much she has understood it and evaluate her work accordingly.

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008

A real mess

What does she think about Frank's room and about the "proper" students?

Rita wants to have a room like Frank's one day although she sees it a perfect mess. To Rita it is the mirror of Frank's life, his own reality.
She perceives that it is quite neglected. That is why she compares it to a patina and love that loses its romanticism through the years.
As far as the proper students are concerned, Rita thinks that they are those students who had a prep, a matron and a tuck-shop, that is students who belong to upper social class. They also had the good luck to have parents and people around them who considered education a great value to take profit of. What can you expect from having a mother who tells her she is mad because she wants to become one of those students?

An overwhelming urge

Why does Rita want to study?

Rita is determined to study in order to change her life for the better as she is fed up with her ordinary life.
She is aware of the fact that she is at a great disadvantage as regards educated people who don't worry about trivial things but those things which deserve to be worried about, just because they know how to differentiate them.
Besides, she feels that educated people can enjoy life better than her. For example, she is not able to enjoy an opera, a ballet or a good book because she doesn't understand them though she would like to.
So, she wants to know everything about reality and about herself and she realizes that the only way to do it is through education.
She also realizes that appearance shoud be in accordance with the person inside her to look properly.

viernes, 11 de julio de 2008

Walking all together

Apéndice - Diez años después: Ante el nuevo milenio.

I agree with Savater when he says that there are different appreciations and values among humans but there should not be any indifference because the other's humanity compromises mine...
I think that, although we may be different from others, I mean to have, among others, cultural, social, religious, linguistic differences, we are all brothers in that we are all humans on the same planet and under the same sky.
Nowadays, for example, globalisation is said to be the new millenium's success, useful for humanity. But I think it can't be so when it just benefits only a few, the rich who become more powerful and thus take advantage over the poor. To me, globalisation should be understood from the point of view that we are all humans as well as brothers of the same Father: God, who wants us to love each other, to humanize each other.

"Alguien necesita de ti"

"En la calle vi a una niñita temblando de frío con un vestido ligero, con poca esperanza de encontrar comida caliente.
Me enojé y le dije a Dios:
-Por qué permites esto? ¿Por qué no haces algo para remediar esto?
Dios me miró a los ojos y no dijo nada, luego respondió:
-Ya hice algo para remediarlo... Te hice a ti".

Autor Anónimo

We should all be concerned about others and give them a hand whenever they need it.
We, as teachers-to-be, should take into account that all our students must enjoy the same opportunities as others in life and should make efforts to provide them without mattering about their human condition.

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Feel yourself alive!

Epílogo - Tendrás que Pensártelo

Savater gives his son this advice:"Avoid what closes you up and cuts you off from the world."
To me, it's great. I think that if we close up, sooner or later we'll become sick, depressed, without life. We need others to live a human life. Besides, many fears come out in loneliness and those fears may prevent us from being free, from being what we want to be, doing what we want to do and going where we want to go. In this way we can't live a good life and so we would die even though we were alive. So, let's take Savater's advice.

domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

Just have faith

Cap 9 Elecciones Generales

Savater says that Ethics does not wait for Politics. That human societies have always been full of flaws, abuses, crimes, but in all times there have been people able to live well or at least trying to do it by collaborating, whenever possible to improve society; if not, at least they have not made it worse.
I think that, although in this society it seems that everything is a caos, we can always do something to solve it. I also believe that, although our work in the role we have to play may seem like trying to mop up the oceans of the world with a box of Kleenex, it would help to build a better society, that is, it would help more than if we did not do anything at all. Like Mother Teresa have said: "Todo lo que hacemos es una gota en el océano, pero si no lo hiciéramos, el océano tendría una gota menos" Wise words!
Summing up, we have to go ahead working, always working.

Ella está en el horizonte.
Me acerco dos pasos,
Ella se aleja dos pasos.

Camino diez pasos
y el horizonte se corre
diez pasos más allá.

Por mucho que yo camine
nunca la alcanzaré.

Y entonces...
¿para qué sirve la utopía?

Para eso sirve:
para caminar.

E. Galeano

Chicken out is forbidden!

Cap 8 - Tanto gusto

Savater says that life's pains are worth living since through them we can reach life's pleasures.
I think that it is true. It is hard to work the earth, sowing the seeds and taking care of them, but then it is great to harvest; it is hard to spend a lot of hours studying every day, but it is great when we receive a degree; it is painful to give birth, but then it is wonderful to have a baby. So, it is hard to make any effort, but then it is a pleasure to enjoy results.
We should not be disappointed by the efforts we have to make in life but be encouraged by the happiness from such efforts.
Savater also says: "Happiness is the best reward we can have in life." Well said!

sábado, 7 de junio de 2008

All for one and one for all

Cap 7 Ponte en su lugar

I agree with Savater when he says that when you put into people's shoes, not only do you have to consider their reasons, but also you should take part in their passions and feelings, in their pains, wishes and joys.
I think that we, as teachers-to-be, should never forget sympathizing with each one of our students. Each student is different from the rest and consequently, has his or her own reasons, feelings, conflicts, abilities, etc., that is to say, his or her own world. So we should make our students feel that they can rely on us to help them whenever there is a problem. They´ll feel better and we´ll, without doubt, achieve better results in their learning.

...."No pudo decir nada más. Estalló bruscamente en sollozos. La noche había caído. Yo había dejado mis herramientas. No me importaban ni el martillo, ni el bulón, ni la sed, ni la muerte. En una estrella, en un planeta, el mío, la Tierra, había un principito que necesitaba consuelo. Lo tomé en mis brazos. Lo acuné. Le dije: "La flor que amas no corre peligro...Dibujaré un bozal para tu cordero. Dibujaré una armadura para tu flor...Di..." No sabía bien qué decir. Me sentía muy torpe. No sabía cómo llegar a él, dónde encontrarlo...¡Es tan misterioso el país de las lágrimas...!
"El Principito" - Saint-Exupéry

We as teachers-to-be will have to be able to comprehend and help our students. It's no easy, I'm afraid but it's worth trying.

domingo, 25 de mayo de 2008

Somebody needs you

Cap 6 - Aparece Pepito Grillo

I agree with Savater when he says that "an egoist" is the person who trully knows what is convenient for him to live a good life and makes efforts to achieve it.
I think that we live a good life when we make an effort to live with a clear conscience, out of remorse from having done wrong, that is by doing good and giving the best we have inside. As humans beings, we need each other and we are gifted with many things to share with others. We can't live a good life unless we give ourselves to others.


¿Olvidaste el reír? ¿Aprendiste a llorar?
Será que no conoces la alegría de dar...
Podemos con tan poco disipar el sufrir,
y empezar nuevamente a aprender a reír...

¡Ah, si tú conocieras la alegría de dar!
Mira, es la forma más hermosa de amar
que reciben los otros.
Ser la fuente generosa para que todos puedan beber:
reconocerse agua y darse sin pensar,
pues las almas son como plantas
a las que hay que regar.
Benditos y felices los que logran decir:
"Hoy me he dado"

...Merecen la dicha de vivir.

¿Tanto se puede dar, tanto se puede hacer?
A ese niño que pasa, tú lo puedes querer,
a la mujer que sufre la alienta tu reír,
al hombre que trabaja lo anima tu cantar.
Y tú puedes cantar y reír y querer.
¿Ves qué fácil tarea?... Sí, la puedes hacer...
Olvida tu sufrir y olvida tu llorar:

¡Regálate a ti mismo la alegría de dar!

Isabel Reyes - Perú

domingo, 18 de mayo de 2008

Priceless presents

Cap 5 ¡Despierta, baby!

It is certain what Savater says that we are not pure things, that we need "things" which things have not. It reminds me of what Philip K. Dick states in his explanation of "Human is" : "Technology has the answer to all of life's difficulties - except the human ones". Both of them make great enphasis on the importance of human relashionships.
I think that we won't have a good life unless we treat and are treated like human beings. How important is to give and have a word of consolation, encouragement; an advice; a feeling of sympathy, tenderness; a smile; a greeting, ... They are just simple things , however, they can undoubtedly improve the life of human beings.

sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

"As you sow, you shall reap"

Cap. 4 Date la buena vida

In my opinion, Savater is right when he thinks that his son should use his freedom to live a good life which is indeed to have a good human life, that is to say, a life among human beings in a process of reciprocity with each other.
I think that we live a good life when we do the right thing to others because in that way we feel good. Nor should we forget that "As you sow, you shall reap".
So I would like to mention the prayer of Saint Francis Assisi who gave up his wealthy life to live a good one and whose words are so moving that I appreciate them most. They are an example of how we should live:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where, there is hatred, let me sow love;
where, there is injury, pardon;
where, there is doubt, faith;
where, there is despair, hope:
where, there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

With regard to the last sentence, I think that it sums up what is to humanize because it is in dying to our mistreatments (egoisms, hate, incomprehensions, lack of love, etc) that we have our reward even on the earth.

viernes, 25 de abril de 2008

On your own

Cap. 3 Haz lo que quieras

It is true that when we are young our life is, in a way, controlled by our parents. But we should not expect them to rule our life for ever because whether we like it or not, we grow old and we must learn about making our own decisions.
Although what our parents have taught us will sometimes be useful, some other times it will not. It is our life so our decisions will depend on our history, experience, likes, personality, wishes and the circumstances we are going through. When adults, youngsters will have freedom to choose what is convenient or not for them according to that.
By the way, I associate that freedom with responsibility because they will no longer depend on their parents and as a consequence they'll be responsible for their decisions. That is why they should think carefully before making them, thinking twice and even more in some cases like Savater recommends.
I think that using their intelligence and reasoning so as not to be influenced by others, listening to their heart and having a clear conscience will help them to be as right as possible in their decisions.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

What do you side with: Good or Evil?

Cap. 2 Ordenes, costumbres y caprichos.
The good and the evil exist within us and sometimes it is very difficult for us to decide on what side to be. However, if we train up youngsters to do what is due, to do good, to have good habits which will become good customs in the long run, I think that they will be more likely to do their duty when they grow old, in any circumstance of life. And it is by doing their duty that they will be satisfied and happy.

martes, 8 de abril de 2008

Who is right?

Chapter I – “De qué va la ética”
I agree with Savater when he says that Ethics is to know how to live or the art of living. As humans beings we have free will, that is to say, freedom to choose how we want to live but we should be careful about it.
Firstly, we have to know about ourselves, about what we are able to do or not. Secondly, we should be sure that what we want to do do not hurt anyone. We live in society and what is good for us may not be good for others who have the same freedom as we do.
At last, we should know to distinguísh the right way among other choices to decide on it. And what is the right way? I think it is the way that leads us to make decisions we should never regret having made. We take a risk of course, but that is life: to make decisions at any time.
It is not easy as it seems to be because sometimes we can make mistakes and some other times, although we tend to chose the easier way or the most convenient for us we have to give it up to help others.
So it is very important that educators prepare children to develop their intelligence as well as their critical thinking in order to make their best bet in life.

You can do it!

With regard to “Aviso antipedagógico”and “Prólogo”, I side with Savater in that it is essential that moral reflexion play a big part in education and that we should also take into account the actual sense of freedom. We live in a society where citizens are different and think differently from each other but they should be respected as such.
On the other hand, Savater is very clever at dealing with his son. Knowing the limit of youngsters’ patience,he manages to tell his son what he should know through a book, without imposing himself on him. But what impressed me so much was the piece of advice Savater gave his son in just two words: “have confidence” meaning confidence in himself, his intelligence and his instinctive love. I would say they are two magic words because they are powerful; they give encouragement and hope to do what we should do and we do not dare.
All in all, I think neither parents nor teachers, who are in a way like parents, should never forget to tell their youngsters to have confidence in themselves again and again because in this way they will help them to succeed in whatever they want to achieve.