martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008

Ready for a new challenge

5. Do you think Rita has gained or suffered as a result of her education?

I think that Rita both has suffered and gained as a result of her education.
Having married a selfish and jealous man, she felt sophocated, living an ordinary life. But she had a gut feeling that life was not just like that; that there was something to know to understand it and she was determined to find it. She decided to be educated.
Education is a process and like any other process it's painful; you must adapt yourself to new changes and what is new scares you. It's like being in a dark tunnel where you can't see well, and so you look for an exit to see a light. When you first see the light, it hurts your eyes and you may freak out and go back, but if you get closer you become accustomed to it and then you can see properly; you can see reality better.
At the beginning of the play she was scared and disappointed and felt that she couldn't keep up with "the proper students", but then, after studying hard and experiencing a new way of living at London summer school, she was able to make questions in daily lectures among a lot of people.
All in all, through education Rita gained confidence in herself, experience, freedom, knowledge and critical thinking. In the end, she became a person ready to make better choices in life and also able to be open to others. So she felt happy with herself for having succeeded in her goal.

2 comentarios:

Adri Ambrosio dijo...

I agree with you, Lili. I think that it has not been easy for Rita to adapt to all the changes in her life. She had to make some difficult decisions and take risks, but she is doing what she really wants and that makes her truly happy.

Gladys Baya dijo...

What makes the decisions Rita can make now better, Lili? Whose criteria is she now living by?

Something else: we need to remember we're seeing Denny always through Rita's eyes... Remember when he found out Rita had been lying to him about not being on the pill? Who was being selfish then? If you have the chance, watch the movie... it's quite interesting to have the chance to actually see Denny interacting with Rita (and even getting over their divorce!)...

Big hug,